Monday, November 19, 2012

Geo Hurricane Brown Circle Lens review

hey gals! (*´ω`*)ノシ
this is my review on Hurricane Brown Circle Lenses by Geo medical

this is what design of the lens looks like

 the special circle motion look achieves great enlargement! 

Lens Details:
Brand: Geo
Type: Hurricane
Diameter: 14mm
Water Content: 38%
Origin: Korea

in my opinion these are really natural looking lenses.
and i really love the enlargement they give due to the outer darker ring.
it is said to have diameter of 14mm but i think it might be a little bigger.
(-> when i wear them my eyes turn so big!~(´・ω・`))
if you wear these lens with falsies they give you a pretty dolly look! (i love it )
they also very comfortable and i wore them for longer time (5-6 hours) without noticing them dry out.
the eyes turn a bit darker with indoor light and the transition from the lens to the natural eye color is very soft, so that might make them look so natural..
to summarize:
i think these lenses turn out great on medium & dark eyes and many people will not even notice you wear them. 

i give this lens 5 of 5 hearts on my personal rate because i just couldn't find thing to criticize.

also think about buying them in grey( )

お気に入りの歌:C2C - Down The Road 

xoxo  Micky


  1. You are so cute ♡
    I want buy this lens too *^^*

  2. You are so.. ADORABLE! <3 Oh, and thank you for following my blog! I'll definitely follow back!
