Thursday, September 29, 2011

New look on 
Holidays r right around the corner. so what are ur plans? 
I'm gonna work at a restaurant or coffee. - to earn some extra pocket money (’-’*)
And i need to sleep in! I'm tired like never before these days! dunno why.. I'm sure of sleeping enough.
however, still need to do some homework for tomorrow so...

xo Micky ♥

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

busy days

New look on 
Wow... it has been a long time since my last post. Well, school started again and it's test time, so i'm busy with learnin and preparing presentations..:P I hate writing all class tests at once, but isn't it always the same? And Oh!, I had an argument with my japanese teacher. (ahaha, i love arguing )
Something else: it's fall! I love this season, actually i love every season - but this year it's a beautiful fall i think! The mornings are cold and foggy but the days are still quiet warm. i like! 
- still need some new warm clothing for winter (*´ o `*)=3
And the closer winter moves, the bigger becomes my wish to move away from here.(this silly stupid hicktown) cause country life's so f*ckin boring! get me outta here! -.-' 
i fear, i need to finish school & that 'll still take a few years..
however - gonna take the rough with the smooth

currently listening to: Kelly Rowland - Motivation (Remix)

xo Micky ♥